Wednesday, July 31, 2019

He Written Articles Essay

Loud speech. Bravado, boasting. Overly animated or entertaining. Boisterous. Overly friendly to other guests and employees. Drinking alone. Drinking too fast. Ordering doubles. Careless with money. Urging other people to have another drink. Annoying other guests and servers. Complaining about drink prices. Complaining about drink strength or preparation. Argumentative. Aggressive or belligerent. Obnoxious or mean. Making inappropriate comments about others. Crude behavior. Inappropriate sexual advances. Foul language. Making irrational statements. Depressed or sullen. Crying or moody. Radical changes in behavior. Speaking loudly, then quietly. Drowsy. Bloodshot, glassy eyes. Slurred speech. Difficulty remembering. Slow response to questions. Spilling drinks. Rambling conversation, loss of train of thought. Trouble making change. Difficulty handling money, picking up change. Lack of focus and eye contact. Difficulty lighting a cigarette. Lighting more than one cigarette at a time. Letting a cigarette burn without smoking. Clumsy, uncoordinated. Difficulty standing up. Unusual gait. Stumbling. Bumping into things. Swaying, staggering. Unable to sit straight in chair or on bar stool. Can’t find mouth with glass. Falling down. Mussed hair. Disheveled clothing. Falling asleep. Remember, just because a person exhibits one, or even several, of these signs it does not necessarily mean that the person is intoxicated. A sober person may exhibit some of these signs as well– which makes determining intoxication even more difficult. However, if a person who is drinking alcohol shows a combination of several of these signs and/or exhibits significant change(s) in behavior, the likelihood of that person being intoxicated is increased. Ultimately, you must use your own judgment to decide whether or not a person is intoxicated. These signs are intended to help you make an informed judgment, and then articulate your decision.

Development of Social Emotional Identity and Personality

The essay shall examine lifespan development issues with regard to an interview consulted at a local neighborhood. The case study involved analysis of the emotional, moral and personality developmental issues that arise in instances when one has to cope or live with a step family.Synopsis of interviewThe interview involved a seventeen year old female student who lived with a stepmother and her biological father. It involved an assessment of the effects that a step family has had on her life. Some relational issues that were revealed in the interview include; the two families could not get along, the respondent felt that her mother had been robbed off her rightful place, the respondent felt out of place as she was the only person from her mother’s side who lived with her dad, she found it difficult to concentrate on her academics especially because she confronted her step siblings frequently. Furthermore, it was found that she had not sought any help from teachers or other prof essionals.Major concepts, features and developmental changes associated with ethnic, gender identification, cultural and sexual differences with respect to the specific caseWith regard to gender identification, there were some issues that were unique to the case study. Research has shown that certain developmental features are largely common among certain sexes while being hidden in others. In a research conducted by Hicks, J. et al (2007) in their article â€Å"Gender differences and developmental change in externalizing disorders from adolescence to adulthood†, Vol, 116, no, 3, pp 433-447, it was found that there certain externalizing disorders were synonymous with certain genders.The authors studied the following symptoms; alcoholism, nicotine dependence, drug dependence and anti-social behavior. The study involved persons at the age of seventeen and analyzed them all the way into their adulthood at the age of twenty four. It was found that as the respondents grew older, t hey developed a higher tendency towards these externalizing disorders. However, male candidates had a higher prevalence rate than their female counterparts. It was found that the latter were influenced by their environment in avoiding antisocial behavior more then genetics.However, among males, genetic variations played a larger role in explaining their behavior through these developmental changes. In the case study, the respondent was female. Consequently, it was likely that the respondent had to look for other methods of expressing her anger rather than through the use antisocial behavior, alcohol or drugs. This was probably the reason why this respondent did not depict the latter symptoms. While quarrelling with siblings may be a negative occurrence, one can hardly classify it as anti-social behavior. This goes to show that across one’s lifespan, certain changes such as introduction of step families bring out different aspects depending on one’s gender.With regard t o cultural differences, there were some major developmental issues that were unique to this individual. Research conducted by Gartstein, M. et al (2006) on cross cultural differences in development of children, it was found that substantial differences exist between children growing up in certain cultures. The research entailed an analysis of children from the Chinese Republic, Spain and The United States. The authors found that children within the United States had higher degrees of temperament even at an early stage. This continued to be the case as they grew older.Conversely, children from China had relatively lower temperament. The case under consideration was a teenager who had been born and raised in the US. Her developmental changes were therefore synonymous to a large section of the population which tends to vent out their frustrations on their environment. This may involve either inanimate objects or their fellow counterparts. Another developmental change that could have be en related to the case study’s situation was the place of a mother within a family. In the US and in many other western states, nuclear families are generally accepted as the norm.The issue of a step family is not as welcome as it is in other parts of the world such as in certain parts of Africa; where numerous families can interact and live together. Having to tackle separate families was difficult since the respondent’s mother lived elsewhere. This meant that the respondent had to move between these two homes from time to time; this could have caused her to appear different from her peers since this is the cultural norm. It could have propagated her anger.Major concepts, features and developmental changes of emotional, moral and personality development and how these relate to individuals within the specific caseEmotional development is crucial to all individuals because before human beings can reason, they first develop emotions. In this case, the respondent came fro m a blended family. There are certain emotional issues that were not addressed as she grew up because every experience one goes through is a contributor to what one can become in the future. The respondent reported a lot of mood swings and there are chances that as she gets older, she may develop mood disorders and eventually depressive disorders.Developmental experts assert that different individuals respond to circumstances in a different way. Consequently, the latter assertion may not be an ultimate result in the future. The respondent also claimed that she has trouble concentrating in class and that she always had a feeling of restlessness. Sociologists assert that anxiety disorders can crop up when a child has grown up in a tense environment. Such negative influences condition the child to feel as though they are living in an emergency and this severely impeded normal emotional development. (Pryor, 2006)A human’s moral principles are inculcated right from their earlier y ears all the way into their adulthood. These principles are usually derived from their respective parents. However, when one of the parents is not around and someone else takes her place, then that stepparent may not feel obliged to teach their step child moral discipline. Additionally, a child will also feel that their step parent has no right to teach them moral issues anyway. The overall result of this is that a child may grow up not being morally bound and they may depict this though anti-social behavior.ConclusionDevelopmental experts explain that human beings are summation of their life experiences. This case study involved the study of a respondent who lived in a step family. Some of the developmental issues arising in this case were linked to the respondent’s culture, gender and features of moral development.ReferencesGarstein, M. et al (2006): Studying cross cultural development of temperament, Journal of Child Psychiatry and human development, 37, 2, 145-161Pryor, J . (2006): Children and their changing families, Polity Press, p 35-46Hicks, J. et al (2007): Gender differences and developmental change in externalizing disorders from adolescence to adulthood; Vol, 116, no, 3, pp 433-447

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Health Beliefs in the Latino Culture Essay

Vomiting, fever, crying, restlessness (Evil eyeness), brought on by an admiring or covetous look from a person with an evil eye. All children are susceptible. Prevented if the person with the strong eye touches the child when admiring her/him; also by wearing particular earrings, necklaces, or other jewelry. Treated with a barrida (Puerto Rican) or limpia (Mexican) which is a spiritualistic sweeping of the body with eggs, lemons, and bay leaves, accompanied by prayer. Barrida/limpia are believed to have treatment value. Susto Anorexia, insomnia, weakness, fright disease hallucinations, and various painful sensations, brought on by traumatic situations such as witnessing a death. Treatment may include a barrida (see mal de ojo), herb tea and prayer. Caide de mollera A condition thought to cause fallen, sunken anterior fontanella, crying, failure to suckle, sunken eyes, vomiting. Popular home remedies include holding the child upside down over a pan of water, applying a poultice to the depressed area of the head, and/or inserting a finger in the child’s mouth and pushing up on the palate. Empacho Lack of appetite, stomach ache, diarrhea, and vomiting caused by poorly digested food, or uncooked food sticking to the walls of the stomach and/or digestive tract. Treated by massaging the stomach; drinking a purgative tea (estafiate); or by azarcon or greta,   medicine that has been implicated in some cases of lead poisoning. Ataque Severe expression of shock, anxiety or sadness, characterized by mutism, hyperventilation, bizarre behavior, hyperkinesis, violence, and uncommunicative behavior. A culturally appropriate and sometimes expected emotional response to shocking or unexpected news. Bilis Vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, migraine headaches, nightmares, loss of appetite, and the inability to urinate brought on by livid rage and revenge fantasies. Believed to stem from bile pouring into the bloodstream in response to strong emotion, resulting in an imbalance of â€Å"yellow bile† and the person â€Å"boiling over.† Bilongo (hex) Any illness may be caused by a bilongo or hex; proper diagnosis and treatment requires   consulting a Santero/Santera (priest or priestess). Hot and cold theory Health is the product of balance of the four body humors–blood and yellow bile being â€Å"hot† and phlegm and black bile being â€Å"cold.† Diseases are caused by humoral imbalance. Foods and medications will cure disease by restoring the balance. Thus a â€Å"hot† illness is cured with â€Å"cold† medication and food; â€Å"cold† illnesses are treated with â€Å"hot.† Those that believe the common cold is caused by a cold draft entering the body will not drink cold fruit juices because it will add more â€Å"coldness† to the body. However, the provider can recommend more hot teas, broths, and soups for liquids. The family would accept this. Note. From Delivering Preventive Health Care to Hispanics: A Manual for Providers (pp. 57-58, 66-68), by COSSMHO, 1988 , Washington, DC: The National Coalition of Hispanic Health and Human Services Organization. Copyright 1988 by The National Coalition of Hispanic Health and Human Services Organization. Reprinted with permission.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Astronmy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Astronmy - Assignment Example 58-60). Ursa Major has also moved downwards and has crossed the meridian and its pattern has also changed. There is unnoticeable change after ten minutes repeat of the observation (Hale, p. 60). Less change could be recorded after ten minutes. From these observations, we can conclude that Polaris is always on the meridian and a star that never sets and can always be seen throughout the day and night at the same position. Also Ursa Minor and major rotate as the sky rotates and will set at some point and cannot be seen throughout the day and night (Hale, p. 59). The nest observation was at 02: 29. Star Polaris had not changed the position but remained on the meridian line. It is acting as the tilt point of Ursa Minor. However, less change has been observed with Ursa Minor (Pasachoff and Filippenko, p. 80). Its position has changed a bit as it is on the meridian line but the pattern has not changed. On the contrary, Ursa Major is also changing in its position but the pattern has remained the same (Hale, p. 60). It is slowly approaching the west side and still the same stars seen in its pattern at the beginning of the observation could still be seen which are Mizar, Alkali, and Dub he (Pasachoff and Filippenko, p.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Characteristics of the Kingdom Animalia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Characteristics of the Kingdom Animalia - Essay Example The kingdom Animalia consists of over thirty different major phyla including Mollusca, Arthropoda,Cnidaria, and Chordata. The Chordates are the ones that are most popularly thought of as animals, but insects and mollusk-like creatures are just as much an animal as a koala bear and giraffe. Interestingly, the insects make up 87% of all the animal species on the planet. Members of the group Chordata are indeed special within the Animal kingdom though. They have in common five unique characteristics which distinguish them from other animals. At some point during their development Chordates have the following body structures: a notochord, gills, a hollow nerve cord, a tail past the anus, and a digestive tube behind the mouth. All animals have the ability to move around at a relatively rapid pace because of the presence of muscle tissue within their anatomy. In contrast members of the plant kingdom are generally rooted to one spot during their entire adult life.The Animal kingdom contains more members than any other kingdom with likely over a million different species on the planet. They range in size from just a few cells to whale-sized. Most of the animals on the earth live in the sea, some live in fresh water, and the smallest percentage of the Animal kingdom live on land. The Animal kingdom includes all amphibians, birds, bugs, fish, invertebrates, mammals, reptiles, and even prehistoric creatures such as dinosaurs and mammoths.

Saturday, July 27, 2019


A CRITIQUE OF A RESEARCH ARTICLE FROM A PROFESSIONAL JOURNAL - Essay Example In this assignment, this reviewer will critically review a research article from a professional journal (Baldwin, K. M., & Nail, L. M., 2000). The purpose of any critical review is better understanding and learning so new knowledge is build. Moreover, critical thinking is an important acumen for the present day healthcare professionals where professional standards need to be updated in order to provide clients with the best possible care based on evidence (Fink, A., 1998). Healthcare research has advanced keeping pace with the advancement of modern technology guided healthcare practice, and the best evidence can be obtained from the professional medical journals. The most interesting fact is that evidence from professional journals from research articles needs to be gleaned with critical examination of the facts, findings, and reasoning presented there (Bailey, D. , 1997). In other words, the facts presented in a scientific research must be questioned in order to establish the logic of the findings presented there. This can be only done by a systematic review of the article in light of the theoretical paradigms of research methodology that establishes the strength and power of the findings that can serve as evidence (White S & Stracombe J., 2003). Therefore, this author has chosen an article from a journal that is related to her practice and expects that critically reviewing this article would serve to provide evidence that can be utilized in practice in order to upgrade it. The process of evidence-based practice is dependent on the theoretical framework that clinical decisions are as far as possible informed by current research evidence (Sterling,Y. M., 2001). Critical review converts the process of seeking information from research into a series of clear questions that need to be answered clearly, so the truthfulness and usefulness of the research in practice can

Friday, July 26, 2019

System Analysis and Design course Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

System Analysis and Design course - Essay Example The scope of the project is to give a plan which illustrates to draw an amount of $800 from the monthly earning or we can say from disposable income by managing the routine expenses within the same income. The expected length of the saving plan would be 5 months i.e. starting from 1st of March 2014 to 1st of July 2014. I hope that during the period of 5 months I will be able to accumulate the amount of $800 in order to purchase the iPad. In order to be successful in my saving plan, there must be a saving of $160-180 per month. In case of any decrease in the saving amount per month I may not be able to purchase the desired model of iPad in the expected time period. One more important thing, I may reduce my frequent visits to nearby fast food restaurants along with my friends. This will definitely cut down my extra expenses. The basic purpose or the objective of this study or report is to devise an information system which helps to manage the time spent in different activities of daily routine life. Time management is very much necessary in the life because now the philosophers consider time value as an asset which should be properly utilized so that an individual can take full advantage of it. The scope of the essay is to devise a time management plan for best use of time. This will look at the past behavior of how time has been used how the time was saved during the college period. This time management will help to maintain the resources in later years. We have to give a proper time to our college activities because these cannot be compromised at all or we can say at any cost. Though the college schedule is set keeping in mind the personal activities also but the time plan should give ample time to the study duration. If I look back to my past activities then I might come to know that at certain times I failed to properly allocate time. This failure caused certain problems for me. Now I

Thursday, July 25, 2019

RFPs and Proposals disscusinon reply Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

RFPs and Proposals disscusinon reply - Essay Example Through analysis of the second RFP design, it appears well formatted, articulated and intended for an easy read. The second design of the RFP begins with a table of content that can direct a reader to a particular area of interest. Nevertheless, I feel the RFP could be made better with adjustments of sections in the document like following the work with the guidelines of the work to ensure easy comparison and comprehension of the information. Inferring to the proposal, the document is written in response to the RFP in an articulate manner. The proposal directs the reader to specific sections of the RFP which allows the reader to access easily and understand the specific information. The proposal is equally written in a persuasive tone making it an ideal inference of an RFP (T&D, 234). The writing of a proposal in a persuasive tone is meant to woe the clients that the company has the necessary capability to offer the required

Does globalization threaten cultural diversity Essay - 2

Does globalization threaten cultural diversity - Essay Example Indeed, inter-dependency of resources, including economic pressures, labor, cultural competency, market compulsion etc. are important imperatives that give thrust to the process of globalization. People move from one country to another to exploit opportunities for personal and professional growth which has resulted in multicultural societies. Big businesses look for new opportunities across globe to expand their business and revenues. This necessitates understanding of people and their culture so that they can interact with empathy and develop mutual respect for peaceful existence. Thus, globalization helps people become more understanding of other cultures and promotes acculturation to become part of mainstream society of the host country. Julia Galeota’s main argument is that globalization is actually promoting American hegemony and directly and indirectly is responsible for other cultures to lose their identity under the powerful influence of American values. The economic and military power of America has been an important ingredient that has significantly impacted global market and spread American culture across national borders. She claims that globalization has brought in more multinational companies in the developing and under developed countries and popularized their products. McDonald’s burgers and Coca Cola are easily available across the globe and people are increasingly learning English to adapt to American way of life. It contends that technology and media have been vital propellants that have helped America’s monopoly in global environment which has motivated people to adopt American ways, including goods and services, which has threatened the survival of their own unique culture and values. Phillipe Legraine argues more rationally and looks at globalization with greater insight and wider perspective of development. He rightly asserts that when American businesses expand across globe, they localize their products to suit the requirements of people. Thus, MTV in Saudi Arabia and China does not focus on the latest hip hop or rock music of America but adapts itself and showcases local music. They could experiment and mix but primarily they cater to the local demands. In America also, the cultural diversity is emphasized because of the changing socio-economic and political compulsions. The world is changing fast and inter-dependency of resources has become a reality. Cultural diversity not only provides firms and individuals with more leverage to compete but the nations also benefit because of the unique talents that diversity brings with it. Globalization has given a big boost to industrialization and development and created platform for equity and equal opportunit ies in all spheres of life and therefore has promoted the causes of cultural diversity. Answer 3 Julia Galeota’s assertion that globalization has threatened cultural diversity to certain extent supports Samuel Huntington’s view that the dominating source of conflicts would be cultural (Huntington, 1993). Huntington believes that civilization, as highest cultural grouping of people where people gain different identities within the broader precinct of their national identities, can also become main issue of conflict in the modern world. For example, Galeota says that China, Cube and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Making an out line of essay.(Cinema studies) Essay

Making an out line of .(Cinema studies) - Essay Example Thus the inner emotions and desires of a lesbian spectator can be made visible to the audience through the movies. The main concept underlying the idea of cinephilia is fetishism. The author discusses a number of video artists, photographers and filmmakers who utilizes glamour photography, film clips and stories and myths from the stars. The essay highlights the idea of fetishism, lesbian culture, cross-dressing and composite portrait, all of which contributes towards making the lesbianism in cinema more vivid. The exploration of the idea of lesbian spectatorship unfolds several sensitive facts that usually do not come out to the forefront but the artists mind can read into all kinds of perversion, which is not confined, only to the gays. The idea here is to emphasize upon the fact that the heroine Bette Davis would prefer something special and not the usual heterosexual intimacy, which is apparently rejected. Ultimately it is desire that the Hollywood relies upon. The celebrities came out in the 1990s self-identifying themselves with the lesbian audience and previously it was thought of losing their credibility in the process. However time has proved that many lesbian audiences do buy tickets. The female homosexuality has contributed to the appeal of the star system mainly to women. However, the lesbians in the society were not really conspicuous but the lesbian fandom has been extensively documented. Works on spectatorships emphasizes on the need for privileged relationship between the women audience and the female stars. The works also focus on the crushes on female stars and how they represent their relationship with the stars, which goes beyond imagination. The lesbian audience identifies their desires through the stars in the movies. This section discusses about the works that explore lesbian adolescents’ views on their favorite stars. The teenager lesbians are interviewed and the idea is mainly to deal with the adolescent awakening rather

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of On-The-Job Training and Development Essay

Advantages and Disadvantages of On-The-Job Training and Development Compared With Off-Job Training and Development - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that training of the employees is an essential part of human resource management. When an employee joins an organization, he can be considered as a raw material. Training converts him from a raw material to finished good. In other words, training is necessary to fine tune the capabilities of the employee so that the organization may benefit from that. â€Å"Training and education are not only seen as the way of helping an individual to become more adaptive in their work, but also of providing more knowledge and skills†. In an ever-changing business world, training is necessary to update and knowledge and skills of the employee. Even if an employee may have previous experiences, it is difficult for him to excel in a new company without proper training. â€Å"Training is a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge, sharpening of skills, concepts, rules, or changing of attitudes and behaviors to enhance the performance of employees†. Torrington has pointed out that â€Å"Training and development has a role to play as do reward systems to maximize effort†. Training is broadly classified into two; one the job training and off the job training. On the job training, is training provided during the regular performance of duties whereas off the job training provided away from the employee’s usual work environment and the employee will stop their usual duties/work during the training period†. On the job training may give more emphasis to the practical aspects whereas off the job training may give more emphasis to the theoretical aspects. An employee should have knowledge about both theoretical and practical aspects of his profession and therefore both on the job and off the job training are necessary to empower the employee so that he could meet any challenges in his profession. Both on the job and off the job training have some advantages and disadvantages. Moreover, there are certain cases in which on the job training would be better than off the job training and vice versa. Judicious use of on the job and off the job training may improve the productivity and efficiency of the employees and the organization.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Social Welfare Essay Example for Free

Social Welfare Essay Social work, as a profession, originated in the 19th century in England. The initial challenge was to identify the decisive role of social work: Advocacy or reaching out with social needs of individuals. This essay attempts to focus on the contemporary role and functions of the social work in its aspects of diversity, complexity and variety of setting especially in the 21st century. It critically evaluates the way social welfare system is being delivered, the ideology behind the change of policies, and how the changes have influenced social welfare in the UK. The main objective is to discuss the issues and challenges relating to the role of the social worker and to value the significance of the development in social work. Function of Social work in the UK and the Role of a Social Worker An attempt to explore the role and function of the social worker should address one fundamental question – ‘What is social work? ’ Apart from some established ideas of a social work, it is also significant to ask, ‘What is it that represents social work? What skills and expertise are expected of social workers? ’, ‘What training and education is appropriate/ adequate for social workers? , and ‘What are the roles of the social worker that might set them apart from other professions? ’ Cree V. , finds it almost impossible to find a simple definition of social work with which everyone is likely to agree. (Cree, 2003, p. 3). Beresford and Croft capture the fluidity of the function and scope of social work. They say, â€Å"All the signs are that the roles and tasks of social work have not been and are still not well known to the public or to service users. Studies of public and service user understandings from the 1980s and 2000s both provide evidence to this effect†. As they continue to explicate the reason for this flexibility, they note disengagement between producers of definitions and the users of the same. â€Å"The fact that service users may not know what the nature and scope of social work practice resulted in one current text recommending that social workers needed to be much clearer to service users about what they do† (Beresford, Adshead and Croft, 2007) According to Thompson (2000) Social work is what social workers do. This need based activity is presumed to enhance the scope of the definition of social work. The aim of social work, [therefore], is improvement in social life, increasing cooperation among human being and increasing solidarity in society. However the largely convincing and widely used description of the concept is that social work is â€Å"a profession which promotes social change, problem solving in human relationships and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being. Despite differences in approaches, a crucial objective of social work from its outlook is about assisting, supporting and enabling the community. For the very purpose one constancy in the history of social work has been its concern for those who suffer from the negative effects of social inequalities. For many this apprehension with inequality and poverty has become growingly important since it seen to be the rising gap in contemporary societies among the wealthy and the deprived. In a context of contested concepts, Askeland and Payne (Askeland and Payne, 2001) raise critical question of ‘agency’ to â€Å"validate† the characterization of social work. These definitions could emerge from the perspectives of politicians, social workers, policy makers and practitioners. When these groups become agencies of definitions, they are â€Å"fuelled by vested interests and media representation† Of crucial significance for this discussion is ‘what represent the prime function of social work’. According to Clark â€Å"Social work is committed to rights and justice† (Clark, 2002). Rights and justice here are to be taken as the motif of social work towards life- enhancing activities. Social workers concern is for the individual and helping them achieve change, a certain quality of life and protection from harm or harming others (  ADSW)  (Association of Directors of Social Work), 2004). In other words, â€Å"The essence of social work is maintenance: maintaining a stable, though not a static society, and maintaining the rights of and opportunities for those who in an unplanned uncontrolled community would go to the wall† (Davies, 1981,) Here, we can draw a clue from Askeland and Payne’s ‘agency’. The vested interests in the definition might not have taken the concerns of the service users adequately. For many there has never been a more important time social work to establish itself as a credible profession working to ensure that the interests of less advantaged sections of the community are promoted and protected†. (Jordan and Parkinson, 2001; Jones et al. , 2004). Often social workers have been practicing their role in diversity, complexity and variety of settings as counsellor or caseworker, as advocate, as partner, as assessor of risk and of need, as care manager. They are closely linked with the values and principles seen to underpin social work in general. The Social workers often plays a role as care manager. They are involved in finding resources for clients or service users, however the social worker’s involvement has very little direct contact with regards to the clients whose care they are organising. The social worker can as well be seen as a partner of and working for disadvantaged or disempowered individuals or groups. Again, there is a close relationship between the social worker and those she/he is supporting. In symbol to both the social worker as advocate and social worker as supporter, the empowerment of the service user or group is vital and paramount. The social workers are being given a key role in the assessment of need and risk over an individual service user and also number of client groups. The concern has been that while assessment is a significant task for social workers it may well be at the cost of other tasks essential for social workers such as fulfilling the casework role and working with individuals, families and groups. Likewise, â€Å"the assessment role may also be seen to be associated with a policing or surveillance role† (Garrett, 2004). A misunderstanding in the relationship between the client and the social worker may well appear. The possible confusion and ambiguity in role has also been explored in reference to the mental health role carried out by social workers† (Myers, 1999). The function of social work, mainly from a fundamental viewpoint, can also be seen as traditional force in spreading a social and economic structure which accounts for the inequalities and disadvantage experienced by various communities and individuals. Therefore the social worker can be considered as an agent of social control. In a wider sense this can be refer to the role the social worker who can involve in maintaining the social system in broad-spectrum. If social work did not exist then there would be a breakdown in the social system. ADSW  (Association of Directors of Social Work, 2004). One of the challenges for social workers could well be conflict between these different ideal types because they make very different assumptions about the function of social work on what should be expected, because social workers often asked to fulfil conflicting roles at any one time. â€Å"Too often today social workers are often doing little more than supervising the deterioration of peoples lives† (Jones et al. , 2004). The social worker can also be viewed as an advocate who act on behalf of the poor and socially excluded. The advocacy role can also be practiced for individuals or groups such as families or communities and in some areas. As a social worker the advocacy role can also be connected with community work which can give assist or support individuals or groups by giving voice or assisting them to give their own voice to their wishes, needs and aspirations. The advocacy role provides rights to the concept of a secure affiliation between service user and social worker. The above discussion indicate the range of potentially conflicting roles which social workers are seen to fulfil as a social worker as advocate, counsellor, caseworker, partner, risk assessor, care manager and agent of social control at large. Significance of anti-discriminatory/anti-oppressive practice Scholars have identified at least two ways of understanding Anti-oppressive practices within the scope of social work: Maintenance approach: This approach helps people to organise their life- style in a way to meet the challenges pragmatically. Here, the service providers play the role of informants regarding the available options and resources. This model develops a unilinear approach in professional relationships where service providers are presumed to be equipped with options that are compatible with the needs of the users. This might impersonalize the relationship between the service provider and the user as the users do not test out the options before them. Therapeutic approach: This method helps users to look out for solutions and ways out in the context of relationships. The options are weighed to see how best they are personally helpful as well as relationally congenial. Here, the clients are listened to carefully before being suggested with the services. These resources are largely derived from the already Anti-Oppressive Practice is embedded in the living experiences of oppressed people and many studies and research which explore these. Anti oppressive and Anti-discriminative practice in social work addresses social divisions and structural inequalities in the work that is done with service users. Anti- oppressive and Anti-discriminative Practice seek to deliver suitable and sensitive services by react and respond to peoples needs regardless of their social status, race, and gender. Anti – oppressive and Anti discriminative Practice represent a person centred beliefs, an egalitarian value formation, apprehensive to reducing the harmful effects of structural disparity upon peoples lives. In the words of Thompson (1993), anti-discriminatory practice is viewed as a good practice. He maintains that such a view on the practice seeks to reduce, undermine and eliminate discrimination and oppression. He thus argues that the favour of power rests with the Social worker in this case, and are in turn influential in implementing discrimination and oppression to their best ability. Thompsons view is strongly supported by many of his contemporaries. Carniol (2000) argues in favour of Thompsons claim when he states that the social worker can link personal matters and public issue. With the fact that social workers are theoretically informed and empowering, their practice finds it necessary to have a viewpoint that is flexible without losing focus. The use of power dynamics by social workers transcends description of practice and moves to creative and innovative ways of working with an emphasis on reflexivity, social difference, being powerful or powerless and an act of challenging reforms for the benefit of people.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Key Technologies LTE And Lte Advanced Information Technology Essay

Key Technologies LTE And Lte Advanced Information Technology Essay LTE is pre-4G technology which provides high data speed, volume, and more coverage area. Besides that, LTE can decease the delay process; the operational cost of the system as well as evolution of 4G in the future is maintained. This paper will introduce the difference between LTE and LTE advanced, LTE performance as well as critical technologies of LTE system. LTE (Long Term Evolution) is the latest standard in the moblile network technology tree that previously realized the GSM/EDGE/ and UMTS/HSxPA network technologies. It is a project standardized by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) as a major enhancement to 4G 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard. LTE being described as 3.9G technology since the first release LTE does not fully meet with the IMT Advanced 4G requirements as defined by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) such as peak data rates up to 1Gbit/s. Hence, ITU has offered the submission of candidate Radio Interface Technologies (RITs) following their requirement.[1] the LTE Advanced is reach and surpass the ITU requirement. **LTE Advanced is the pre-4G standard that designed to increase the capacity and speed of mobile telephone network.** LTE Advanced is backwards compatible with LTE and uses the same frequency bandwidth, while LTE is not backwards compatible with 3G systems. LTE and LTE Advance is more advantage than other mobile network technology because LTE improves capacity, coverage and ensures user fairness. Besides that, it have more ability to leverage advanced topology networks. And it optimized heterogeneous network with a mix of macros with low power modes such as picocells, femtocells and new relay nodes. Furthermore, it introduces multicarrier to be able to leverage ultra wide bandwidth, up to 100MHz of spectrum supporting very high data rates. Nowadays, LTE advanced is more nearly achieve the target of ITU, below are the comparision between LTE and LTE advanced: [2] Peak data rates: downlink 1Gbps; uplink 500Mbps. Spectrum efficiency: 3 times greater than LTE Peak spectrum efficiency: downlink 30bps/hz; uplink 15bps/hz Spectrum use: the ability to support scalable bandwidth use and spectrum aggregation where non-contiguous spectrum needs to be used Latency: from Idle to Connected in less than 50ms and then shorter than 5ms one way for individual packet teransmission. Cell edge user throughput to be twice that of LTE Average user throughput to be 3 times that of LTE Mobility: same as that in LTE Compatibility: LTE advanced shall be capable of interworking with LTE and 3GPP legacy systems. Channel characterization The main principles of LTE physical layer design, which lead to new Radio Resource Management (RRM) opportunities that are significantly different from the ones applied in GSM and WCDMA/HSPA. [3] Downlink: OFDMA LTE downlink modulation is based on multicarrier transmission of subcarrier signals, ie. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). [3] As long as the channel delay spread remains within the CP, the subcarriers are orthogonal. In the transmitter, the subcarrier signals are generated in the frequency domain by an Inverse FFT. In the receiver, after discarding the CP, the FFT is used to recover the transmitted signals. In LTE, the data of different users is multiplexed in the frequency domain, and accordingly the downlink is characterized as OFDMA. LTE uses OFDMA as downlink multiple access plan as figure 1. Figure 1: LTE Downlink Multiple Access Uplink: SC-FDMA LTE uplink is designed to be in-cell orthogonal. This is contrary to the WCDMA/HSPA uplink, which is non-orthogonal and targets at randomizing the intracell interference by long scrambling sequences. Non-orthogonal multiple access is in theory superior to orthogonal, if ideal multiuser detection is used. However, channel estimation imperfections limit the multiuser efficiency, especially at high load and high SNR. Another important feature underlying the selection of the LTE uplink transmission technique is the need to sacrifice power and symbol resources for the channel estimation. Spreading the transmission over the whole bandwidth is not sensible for transmitters with limited power resources-the wider the bandwidth, the larger the overhead needed for the pilot signals. Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) is the basis uplink user multiplexing together with the bandwidth flexibility target of LTE. To keep the peak-to-average power ratio small, a Single Carrier transmission for mat was adopted. In this respect, LTE uplink returns to the GSM principle of utilizing power efficient modulation, which was partially sacrificed in uplink HSPA. To solve the equalization problems, a Single Carrier FDMA (SC-FDMA) transmission format with a cyclic prefix was adopted. This allows for a power efficient modulation, yet equalizable in the frequency domain, SC-FDMA can be interpreted as DFT-spread OFDMA. LTE uses DFT-SOFDM (SC-FDMA) as uplink multiple access plan. Figure 2: LTE Uplink Multiple Access System performance LTE baseline performance is the cumulative throughput experienced in a cellular network serving multiple users per cell. The baseline here means that moderate antenna configurations are used at the base station sites, and the UE capability includes 2 receive antennas. This type of analysis also reveals fairness among the served UEs. In cellular networks, cell edge performance is often valued because it is the most challenging regime of signal processing and signaling, and the region where the interference limitation of cellular networks is most strongly felt. For a uniform geographical user distribution, relatively large number of users gets served at cell edge areas. Key technologies MIMO( Multi input Multi output) The DL MIMO transmission schemes already supported in LTE Release 8 include transmit-diversity and open-loop and closed-loop spatial multiplexing with up to 4 layers. However, the performance of the multi-user MIMO (MU-MIMO) scheme is limited by coarse quantization and the lack of support for cross-talk suppression at the UE. Fortunately, LTE releases 9 and 10 is going to fix the MU-MIMO performance. It will improve the single-cell DL MU-MIMO support, extend to 8-layer DL spatial multiplexing, extend to 4-layer UL spatial multiplexing and add DL CoMP support. How it going to improve the single cell DL MU-MIMO support? First, in LTE have 2 layers of orthogonal UE specific reference signal have been introduced. This enables an eNB to transmit 2 layers of data to a UE set using spatial multiplexing in a closed-loop mode by constructing antenna weights using channel reciprocity. Additionally, this enables an eNB to transmit 2 layers of data to 2 UE sets using the same time-frequency reso urce in MU-MIMO fashion. Swithcing between single and dual-layer transmission to a single UE set, as well as between SU-MIMO and MU-MIMO is supported in a dynamic fashion. The control signaling overhead for supporting dynamic and transparent MU-MIMO transmission is small because UE is not explicitly informed of the presence of co-scheduled UE, for the purposes of feedback or demodualation. The 2 layers of UE-specific reference signals are overlaid on top of each other and a UE, after subtracting out its channel estimate, may estimate a covariance matrix representing the combined interference from a co-scheduled UE and outer cell transmissions. This feature can be used by a receiver to significantly suppress the interference due to MU-MIMO. The MU-MIMO enhancements in LTE release 9 provide substantial gain in sector throughput when the eNB is able to form transmit beams using reciprocity-based techniques. Note that with channel reciprocity based MU-MIMO, there is no restriction based MU-MIMO, there is no restriction on the number of transmit antennas that can be employed at the eNB. In addition, up to 4 layers of quasi-orthogonal UE-specific reference signals is available for MU-MIMO enabling co-scheduling of up to 4 UE sets in the same time-frequency resource. [4] LTE-next generation technology.pdf MIMO enhancement LTE advance improve MIMO transmission. So, the gain for additional diversity becomes smaller. Anyway not always wanted e.g. frequency selective scheduling. Besides, gain from spatial multiplexing only is questionable. It will limit to hotspot and indoor environment (small cells, scattered propagation environment, very low user mobility) and the only way to achieve the very high peak data rates. The Spatial multiplexing in general needs high SNR regions. It will use of beam forming combined with spatial multiplexing within different beams could be most beneficial. Downlink MIMO transmission need 4UE receive antennas and 44 MIMO become baseline. Then, downlink peak data rates achieved by the use of 88 MIMO ( reference signals for 8 antennas required) For Uplink MIMO transmission, it need 2 UE transmit antennas and 22 MIMO could become baseline. And uplink peak data rate, but also coverage and capacity. 4G Wireless Technology in Car If vehicle can applies LTE wireless technology car solution concept, consumer would be able to access network and cloud-based applications, putting on-demand entertainment, infotainment, diagnostics, and navigation. [5] Engineer in Russia carried out experimental investigation will car speed is 140km/h. The interactive system to send and receive signals works with data rates of 10Mbps. Though this implementation, this will enabled ultra-hign bandwidth technology, [5] Using 4G wireless in car, Jegor Mosyagin Conclusion The LTE technology to radically bring the 3G networks to a new 4G performance era. Through the key technologies above, we are more understood and know how the LTE technology is important in our life now. Hence, LTE are clearly be the future technology for the wide area mobile data coverage in dense traffic areas globally. LTE advanced reaches the target set for IMT-advanced [3],[9] in wide area evaluation scenarios. New releases of LTE, including technology components such as uplink MIMO and carrier aggregation, will improve LTE performance in local area scenarios, and factually realize 1Gbit/s peak rate, often seen as a rate characteristic of 4G systems. [1] [2] (from [3] intro LTE 14.9.10 [9]ITU-R, Requirements related to technical performance for IMT-advanced radio interface(s), Report M.2134 (2008).

Art. 121 of the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea

Art. 121 of the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea Discuss the interpretation of Art. 121 of the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea after the decision in PCA-Case N ° 2013-19, Philippines vs China. Are there general conclusions to be drawn which can assist in other similar disputes around the world? Siderakos Panourgias Introduction On the 22nd of January 2013, the Republic of Philippines commenced, under Annex VII to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), an arbitration procedure against the Peoples Republic of China. The dispute concerned the South China Sea and is mainly known as the South China Sea Arbitration (PCA case number 2013-19). The arbitration was made before the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA). The Republic of Philippines claimed the violation of the UNCLOS Convention as long as historic rights, the source of maritime entitlements, the status of certain maritime features in the South China Sea were concerned and also doubted the lawfulness of specific actions by the Republic of China in the specific area. In particular, Chinas rights were disputed over specific islands (island formations within the nine-dash line). However, China denied to accept the arbitration and did not participate in the whole procedure as it did not recognize the jurisdiction of the PCA in the spec ific case. Area of Interest The South China Sea is a sea in the west Pacific Ocean and covers an approximate area of 3.5 million km ². From north, it is surrounded by the mainland of China, Taiwan and Vietnam, from west there is Philippines, Malaysia and Sumatra and from south there is Borneo. Within this sea there are island and reef formations, from which the most important are the Paracel Islands, the Spratly Islands, Pratas, the Natuna Islands and Scarborough Shoal (fig. 1). The wider area of the South China Sea is very unique and interesting because annually, approximately one third of the global maritime traffic goes through these waters. The fishing stocks of the area are massive. Moreover, Japan and South Korea rely mainly on the South China Sea for their fuel and material supply and their trading, too. It is also believed by scientists that underneath the seabed, it contains huge reserves of natural gas and oil. In addition, the South China Sea is the area which contains highly considerable, ree f ecosystems of high biodiversity importance. All the factors mentioned above have obviously transformed the South China Sea into a very conflicting area with essential, economic and geostrategic benefits for decades now. Main Historical Background The general dispute over the South China Sea has begun many years ago, from the decade of 1940s after the WWII. More specific, in 1947 the Republic of China (Taiwan) published a map of the South China Sea with an eleven-dash line area, which included many island formations that claimed to be under its sovereignty. Two of the dashes at the Gulf of Tonkin were later removed in 1949, when the Communist Party of China took over the mainland of China, forming the famous nine-dash line area in the South China Sea (Wu Shicun, 2013). In 1951, Japan renounced all claims to the Spartly Islands of the Republic of China (Taiwan). As a result, the Chinese government proceeded to a specific declaration, reestablishing Chinas sovereignty over the wider area of the South China Sea, including the Spratly Islands. The Philippines, from their side, based their claim for the sovereignty over the Spartly Islands to the geographical proximity. Over the years, many events escalated the dispute. One of these was in 1956 when the President of the Philippines, Tomas Cloma and a group of his people, settled on the islands, even stole the national flag of China from the Taiping Island, and declared the islands as a protectorate of the Philippines with the name of Freedomland. A couple of months later he returned Chinas flag to the Chinese embassy in Manila and wrote a letter apologizing and claiming that he would not proceed to any similar actions in the future. In the 1970s, some countries began to invade and occupy islands and reefs in the Spratly Islands. The Peoples Republic of China (PRC) from its side claimed that it was entitled to the Paracel and Spratly Islands because they were seen as integral parts of the Ming dynasty. The Republic of China (Taiwan) took control of the Taiping Island (the largest one in the island formation) since 1946. Vietnam claimed that the islands have belonged to it since the 17th century, using historical documents of ownership as evidence. Hanoi began to occupy the westernmost islands during this period. In the early 1970s, Malaysia joined the dispute by claiming the islands nearest to it. Brunei also extended its exclusive economic zone and claimed Louisa Reef. Discussion The dispute, as mentioned in the introduction, begun in 2013 when Philippines started a tribunal arbitration with the PRC, complaining about the legality of specific actions in the South China Sea, the legal basis of maritime rights and entitlements in the specific region and the status of certain geographic features. The basis, on which this arbitration and all its results must stand, is the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Philippines accused PRC that the historical rights over the Spratly Islands had no serious evidence, it was responsible for artificial-constructed islands that ruined the natural environment and also for the over-exploitation of the South China Sea from Chinese fishermen under its permission and tolerance. UNCLOS The UNCLOS is a convention that was signed in 1982. Both the Philippines and the PRC are members of it, having it ratified in May 1984 and June 1996, respectively. The most basic and essential aim of this Convention was the desire of the States Parties to settle, in a spirit of mutual understanding and cooperation, all issues relating to the law of the sea and aware of the historic significance of this Convention as an important contribution to the maintenance of peace, justice and progress for all peoples of the world (UNCLOS). The Convention was ratified by the number of 168 States. In its articles, a very wide range of issues are being analyzed. A small listing of them includes territorial and internal waters, transit and innocent passage of ships, to Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), Continental Shelf and sovereignty on resources. More specifically, it provides the coastal States the framework in order to establish the zones and their limits, in which they exercise their national jurisdiction. Moreover, in the Convention, a specific organization is authorized in order to resolve peacefully any dispute that will arise between States in the future. This organization is the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA). The PCA was the organization that Philippines asked for its tribunal arbitration in the case of the South China Sea, using the Annex VII of the Convention. The most relevant, with our case, zones are the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), the Continental Shelf, the High Seas and the Area. However, the PCA was not responsible and of course could not address the sovereignty over land territories, in particular over the Spratly Islands or the Scarborough Shoal. A matter that was clearly stated in the South China Sea Arbitration Award of 12 July 2016. Article 121 Interpretation In this report, the article that has more importance is the article 121. According to the UNCLOS, the article 121 states that: 1. An island is a naturally formed area of land, surrounded by water, which is above water at high tide. 2. Except as provided for in paragraph 3, the territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf of an island are determined in accordance with the provisions of this Convention applicable to other land territory. 3. Rocks which cannot sustain human habitation or economic life of their own shall have no exclusive economic zone or continental shelf. The three paragraphs of the article 121 mentioned exactly as in the Convention above, play a major role in the arrangement of the jurisdictions and sovereignties all over the world, as long as there are waters and islands in them. Firstly, paragraph 1 states with great clearance the definition of the island. A naturally formed area of land, surrounded by waterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ automatically excludes everything that is artificially created. No artificial-constructed islands can be considered as natural. As a result, artificial islands cannot have any maritime zones around them (contiguous zone, EEZ, continental shelf etc.). The only zone that they can legally have is a safety zone that cannot extend to more than 500 meters from its outer edges. The purposes of this safety zone are completely for maritime safety reasons. Moreover, if an artificial island can be officially proved to be a maritime danger according to the international maritime safety standards due to abandoning or misuse, it will be completely removed on its whole. (unclos article 60) Secondly, in paragraph 2 it is clearly stated that natural-formed islands have all the legal maritime zones around them as all other land territories do. A very strong statement, that designates many rights but also obligations to the sovereign State as long as the maritime zones are concerned and all their characteristics. Thirdly, paragraph 3 gives the most important statement from the whole article. That is that any small island (rock) with no human habitation or economic life can have no EEZ. A statement that is both clear and logical, because having a small island with an oil platform, a casino or a military base on it, does not automatically make it a real island with an Exclusive Economic Zone. The human habitation could not be supported by its own powers and the economic life cannot be developed on a social basis. If a fact like this could be legal, that would extend the jurisdiction and sovereignty of the owning State 200 nautical miles even further into the ocean, interfering with other coastal States rights and jurisdictions. Chinas interpretation over Article 121 It was inevitable that Chinas interpretation over the article 121 would raise many objections from its side. The most important matter for China, that it referred to many times officially, was the Japanese Oki-no-Tori-shima rock. Oki-no-Tori-shima is an atoll, located in the western Pacific Ocean between Okinawa and the Northern Mariana Islands, of which only two small portions naturally protrude above water at high tide.(Award) Under that definition, and following directly the directions of the Article 121 (3), China denied the existence of continental shelf of the Oki-no-Tori-shima rock as it cannot sustain human habitation or economic life on its own. A rock that is currently under Japanese sovereignty and jurisdiction. A general acceptance of the non-existence of the continental shelf of the current rock, would automatically reduce the Japanese rights in the specific area by two hundred nautical miles. A huge area with many benefits, both social and economic, as it affects both the local life of people fishing in this area but also the exploitation of possible deposits in the seabed. A possibility, supported by many scientists and theories, which could easily bring in enormous amounts of profits to the owning State. Furthermore, China claims sovereignty both on the Spratly Islands and the Scarborough Shoal. Its actions imply that China considers Scarborough Shoal (Huangyan Dao in Chinese) as a fully entitled island, naturally formed and with all the following maritime zones around it. Such actions (e.g. the banning of fishing north of 12 ° North latitude and the objection in petroleum surveys and concessions in the area) specifically signifies Chinas thoughts and considerations over the Scarborough Island in the wider area and its rights and jurisdictions on it. Tribunals decisions The CPA reached adjudication, mainly rejecting any claims of China in the South China Sea by historic title. Furthermore, in accordance to Article 121, the CPA did not recognize the Mischief Reef and Second Thomas Shoal as naturally formed islands. Therefore, these low-tide elevations cannot generate maritime zones around them. Also, it declared that Subi Reef, Gaven Reef (South), Hughes Reef, Scarborough Shoal, Gaven Reef (North), McKennan Reef, Johnson Reef, Cuarteron Reef, and Fiery Cross Reef are not islands that can sustain human habitation or economic life, so they do not have the right of any maritime zone. Finally, it declared that the Mischief Reef and Second Thomas Shoal are within the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf of the Philippines. In general, as seen above, the CPA did not recognize any sovereign rights or jurisdictions of China related to the nine-dash line area, claiming that this area is completely contrary to the UNCLOS and has no legality. It also stated the breach of Chinas obligations amongst environmental protection of the area and its biodiversity, and also illegal prevention of traditional fishing in the area from the fishermen of the State of Philippines. Similar disputes around the world As described above, from the dispute of the South China Sea between the PRC and the Philippines many general conclusions were made. These conclusions can be easily used in similar disputes around the world, however proper attention must be paid as each situation has its own unique parameters. Such areas are many; two of the most famous are the Aegean Sea and the Caribbean Sea. In the Aegean Sea, Greece and Turkey have disputes that have started many decades before. These disputes include sovereign rights and jurisdictions over islands in the Aegean and the right of Search And Rescue (SAR) operations in its waters. In the Caribbean Sea there is a dispute along the neighboring States about the environmental protection of the area and the general maritime safety. Firstly, the main conclusion from the South China Sea that is very useful to concentrate on is the fact that an adjudication from which one of the two States does not take part in, is considered to be non applicable. From the moment that China does not recognize the award of the PCA and its jurisdiction, no real facts and results can be expected in the region rather than a continuous conflict with unexpected incidents or accidents. So, almost in every similar case around the world, it is almost for sure that there will never be a unanimous agreement from all the sides of the dispute in order to reach a peaceful and cooperative agreement. For example, in the Aegean Sea, Turkey has been claiming (mainly under the presidency of Recep Tayyip ErdoÄÅ ¸an) that many islands are Turkish. The Greek government obviously does not accept that, referring to the UNCLOS and the Treaty of Lausanne, claiming that all Turkeys claims are illegal. As a result, Turkey has never accepted to discuss o ver the conventions and treaties mentioned above, as it serves its own aims and rights in the region of the Aegean Sea. Secondly, another main conclusion is the fact that no artificial islands can be considered to be natural. Therefore, they cannot have any maritime zones around them. This forbids the right to any State that builds an artificial island to claim any jurisdiction or sovereign right around the waters of the island, which could possibly collide to another neighboring States continental shelf from its mainland or a natural island with human habitation and developed economic life on it. Finally, the existence of a rock just emerging over the surface of the sea does not constitute a land, capable of having continental shelf or exclusive economic zone. A conclusion that can be very useful in many disputes around the world and could force many States to reconsider their continental shelves and EEZs. Conclusion In conclusion, the case of the Philippines against the Peoples Republic of China over the South China Sea is very interesting and its award and conclusions are very useful for the whole world and the society of the international maritime law. The articles of the UNCLOS Convention were strictly followed by the CPA, reestablishing Philippines rights and jurisdictions on specific regions of the wider area. Moreover, it recognized the illegal actions of China in the area, concerning the protection of the marine environment and the actions against the fishermen of other neighboring States. Although these conclusions can be used for the interpretation and analysis of other similar cases and disputes around the world (e.g. the Aegean Sea, the Caribbean Sea), many other factors must be taken into consideration for the final outcome. Factors such as the general geographic status of the area, the already signed Conventions or Treaties of the conflicting States and the geostrategic importance o f the area, can completely alter the final outcome of the dispute. In addition, special organizations must be formed in order to resolve similar disputes. Organizations that will be globally accepted, with representatives from all the binding States. It must never be forgotten that a dispute over an area with great profits and benefits, can easily end up in a combat clash with many casualties from both sides. An undesirable outcome that does not promote peace in the world between States, one of the most fundamental principles of the UNCLOS. Figure 1: Map of the South China Sea, including the nine-dash line area      Ã‚  

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Project Coast: South Africa’s Top Secret Chemical and Biological Weapon

To protect the safety of the country and people of South Africa, those who hold authority or control in the decision making process sometimes are faced with making tough decisions. When it comes to South Africa, President P. W. Botha decided that to best protect the welfare of the citizens, a defensive measure must be established that was secure and efficient. The idea of such measures brought on an evolution of a secret chemical and biological weapons program which became known as Project Coast. The personnel that knew of its existence hid the program from the world and used various measures to ensure that this program remained their little secret. However, no secret lays dormant forever. The idea of S. Africa partaking in such measures shined a distasteful light on a country that was already divided and fighting amongst each itself. Project Coast was against all the morals of what the United Nations had established and stood for peace and working together unified. The S. Af rican government knew this; the pride and protection of their well-being outweighed what was right. South Africa’s choice to begin a Chemical and Biological Weapons Program (CBW) was unsound but this was not the first time the country experimented with such lethal weapons. History reveals that during World War II, South Africa participated in the manufacturing of mustard gas when the Smuts government assisted Great Britain (Gould & Folb, 2002). There were two manufacturing plants that produced the gas, but by 1945 production ended and the plants were closed. When these plants were closed the idea of research still lingered on the minds of those who held office. Some years later, in 1960, a company called Mechem was founded and headed by Dr. J. P. ... ...asson. Project Coast is a reason why there are so many sanctions on chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. The intention to study and research may be good, but the idea of it getting in the wrong hands can be detrimental. Reference Bale, J. Monterey Institue of International Studies, (2006). South Africa’s Project Coast: â€Å"Death Squad’s,† Covert State-Sponsored poisonings, and the Dangers of CBW Proliferation (10.1080/1741916060623434). Retrieved from Taylor & Francis Group, LLC website: Buger, M., & Gould, C. (2002). Secrets and Lies: Wouter Basson and South Africa’s Chemical and Biological Warfare Programme. Zebra Press. Folb, P., & Gould, C. (2002). Project Coast: Apartheid’s Chemical and Biological Warfare Programme. United Nations Publication. Retrieved from

Friday, July 19, 2019

Comparison of Federico García Lorcas Poems, Romance de la Pena Negra a

Comparison of Federico Garcà ­a Lorca's Poems, Romance de la Pena Negra and La Aurora Romance de la Pena Negra (Ballad of the Black Sorrow) was written by Lorca on the 30. July 1924 (Catedra:80). It was one of a collection of poems he entitled the Romancero Gitano (Gypsy Ballads) that, when published, was a huge success, among academics and the general public alike, making this book one of his most well known pieces of work. There are many reasons why the poems received such wide acclaim in terms of Lorca’s wider audience: It is clear that the ballad, with its simple, eight-syllable line rhyming structure makes for uncomplicated reading, in addition, the subject matter would have sparked general interest due to the mysterious nature of its gypsy protagonists, who had popularised the flamenco arts at the end of the 19th century, yet inspired a mixture of fear, loathing and admiration in Spain that all Spaniards would have recognised. The universal content of the poems is another reason for their popularity, they are rich in natural imagery, the moon, the sea and the mountains all appear frequently, as do themes of love, sexuality and death, making the poems easily accessible to all readers on a basic level. Critics and academics were just as appreciative of Lorca’s work, in it they were able to recognise his talent for fusion and innovation, for example, he combined the narrative ballad format with the lyrical (Harvard: 32) and harmoniously blended elements from the classics (influences from Greek mythology) (Catedra:79), the folkloric (the use of gypsy lore), and the most modern scientific thought of Freud and his theories regarding dreams and the subconscious. It is important that Lorca would choose the ballad to create h... ...r to give the coins being thrown at the abandoned children, the quality of furious swarms of wasps that, rather than helping, are actually attacking them. The contrasting images deployed by Lorca in these lines convert the traditional good associated with giving money into a form of torture; the money becomes a weapon and the act of giving money a lesson on morality. BIBLIOGRAPHY Carr, Raymond: â€Å"Spain 1808-1975† (2nd ed.) 1982, Oxford University Press/Clarendon Press â€Å"Federico Garcà ­a Lorca Conferencias I†, Alianza Editorial, S.A., Madrid 1984 Gaos, Vicente: â€Å"Antologà ­a del Grupo Poà ©tico de 1927† Ediciones Cà ¡tedra, S.A. 1981 Harvard, Robert G: â€Å"Federico Garcà ­a Lorca Gypsy Ballads – Romancero Gitano†, Aris & Phillips – Warminster – England. Salinas, Pedro: â€Å"Literatura Espaà ±ola Siglo XX† 1970, Alianza Editorial, S.A. Madrid

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Milgrams The Perils of Obedience Essay -- Psychology

Milgram's The Perils of Obedience Obedience is the requirement of all mutual living and is the basic element of the structure of social life. Conservative philosophers argue that society is threatened by disobedience, while humanists stress the priority of the individuals' conscience. Stanley Milgram, a Yale psychologist, designed an experiment that forced participants to either violate their conscience by obeying the immoral demands of an authority figure or to refuse those demands. Milgram's study, reported in "The Perils of Obedience" suggested that under a special set of circumstances the obedience we naturally show authority figures can transform us into agents of terror or monsters towards humanity. The experiment consists of two people that take part in a study of memory learning, one of them referred to as the "Teacher" and the other as the "Learner." The experimenter explains that the study's main goal is to observe the effect of punishment on learning. The learner will be seated in something similar to the electric chair, his arms will be strapped and an electrode will be attached to his wrist. The learner will be told that he will be tested on his ability to remember the second word of a pair when he hears the first one again. If he makes a mistake, he will then receive electric shocks of increasing intensity. The real focus of the experiment is the teacher. He will be in charge of a shock generator. The teacher does not know that the learner, supposedly the victim, is actually an actor who receives no shock whatsoever. Again this experiment is to see if the teacher proceeds with the shocks that are ordered to inflict increasing pain on a protesting victim. Milgram's first subject, Gretchen Brant showed th... ...enter. Although Bruno Batta had some difficulty understanding what to do, he after showed that he indeed appreciated help and was then willing to do what was required from the experimenter. When the learner in this case complained, Mr. Batta showed no signs of attention or disturbance whatsoever. At the end of the experiment he told the experimenter that he had been honored to be part of it. He showed no remorse. Milgram answers the question of why this problem occurred in our pasts, for example during the Holocaust, and still occurs within ourselves. The experiment unfortunately illustrates that it is easy to ignore responsibility when one is only a link in a chain of action in a multifaceted society. People feel is their duty or their job to obey an authority figure without realizing that nobody can make another individual do something they feel is not right.

Deception Point Page 73

Corky leaned forward to look at her. â€Å"Please don't tell me your new theory is that NASA took a fossilized rock up in the space shuttle and sent it hurtling toward earth hoping nobody would notice the fireball, the massive crater, or the explosion?† Rachel had not thought of that, although it was an interesting premise. Not feasible, but interesting all the same. Her thoughts were actually closer to home. All natural atmospheric elements. Clean burn. Striations from racing through the air. A faint light had gone off in a distant corner of her mind. â€Å"The ratios of the atmospheric elements you saw,† she said. â€Å"Were they exactly the same ratios you see on every other meteorite with a fusion crust?† Corky seemed to hedge slightly at the question. â€Å"Why do you ask?† Rachel saw him hesitate and felt her pulse quicken. â€Å"The ratios were off, weren't they?† â€Å"There is a scientific explanation.† Rachel's heart was suddenly pounding. â€Å"Did you by any chance see an unusually high content of one element in particular?† Tolland and Corky exchanged startled looks. â€Å"Yes,† Corky said, â€Å"but-â€Å" â€Å"Was it ionized hydrogen?† The astrophysicist's eyes turned to saucers. â€Å"How could you possibly know that!† Tolland also looked utterly amazed. Rachel stared at them both. â€Å"Why didn't anyone mention this to me?† â€Å"Because there's a perfectly sound scientific explanation!† Corky declared. â€Å"I'm all ears,† Rachel said. â€Å"There was surplus ionized hydrogen,† Corky said, â€Å"because the meteorite passed through the atmosphere near the North Pole, where the earth's magnetic field causes an abnormally high concentration of hydrogen ions.† Rachel frowned. â€Å"Unfortunately, I have another explanation.† 87 The fourth floor of NASA headquarters was less impressive than the lobby-long sterile corridors with office doors equally spaced along the walls. The corridor was deserted. Laminated signs pointed in all directions. LANDSAT 7 TERRA ACRIMSAT JASON 1 AQUA PODS Gabrielle followed the signs for PODS. Winding her way down a series of long corridors and intersections, she came to a set of heavy steel doors. The stencil read: Polar Orbiting Density Scanner (PODS) Section Manager, Chris Harper The doors were locked, secured both by key card and a PIN pad access. Gabrielle put her ear to the cold metal door. For a moment, she thought she heard talking. Arguing. Maybe not. She wondered if she should just bang on the door until someone inside let her in. Unfortunately, her plan for dealing with Chris Harper required a bit more subtlety than banging on doors. She looked around for another entrance but saw none. A custodial alcove stood adjacent to the door, and Gabrielle stepped in, searching the dimly lit niche for a janitor's key ring or key card. Nothing. Just brooms and mops. Returning to the door, she put her ear to the metal again. This time she definitely heard voices. Getting louder. And footsteps. The latch engaged from inside. Gabrielle had no time to hide as the metal door burst open. She jumped to the side, plastering herself against the wall behind the door as a group of people hurried through, talking loudly. They sounded angry. â€Å"What the hell is Harper's problem? I thought he'd be on cloud nine!† â€Å"On a night like tonight,† another said as the group passed by, â€Å"he wants to be alone? He should be celebrating!† As the group moved away from Gabrielle, the heavy door started swinging closed on pneumatic hinges, revealing her location. She remained rigid as the men continued down the hall. Waiting as long as she possibly could, until the door was only inches from closing, Gabrielle lunged forward and caught the door handle with just inches to spare. She stood motionless as the men turned the corner down the hall, too engaged in their conversation to look back. Heart pounding, Gabrielle pulled open the door and stepped into the dimly lit area beyond. She quietly closed the door. The space was a wide open work area that reminded her of a college physics laboratory: computers, work islands, electronic gear. As her eyes became accustomed to the darkness, Gabrielle could see blueprints and sheets of calculations scattered around. The entire area was dark except for an office on the far side of the lab, where a light shone under the door. Gabrielle walked over quietly. The door was closed, but through the window she could see a man sitting at a computer. She recognized the man from the NASA press conference. The nameplate on the door read: Chris Harper Section Manager, PODS Having come this far, Gabrielle suddenly felt apprehensive, wondering if she could actually pull this off. She reminded herself how certain Sexton was that Chris Harper had lied. I would bet my campaign on it, Sexton had said. Apparently there were others who felt the same, others who were waiting for Gabrielle to uncover the truth so they could close in on NASA, attempting to gain even a tiny foothold after tonight's devastating developments. After the way Tench and the Herney administration had played Gabrielle this afternoon, she was eager to help. Gabrielle raised her hand to knock on the door but paused, Yolanda's voice running through her mind. If Chris Harper lied to the world about PODS, what makes you think he'll tell YOU the truth? Fear, Gabrielle told herself, having almost fallen victim to it herself today. She had a plan. It involved a tactic she'd seen the senator use on occasion to scare information out of political opponents. Gabrielle had absorbed a lot under Sexton's tutelage, and not all of it attractive or ethical. But tonight she needed every advantage. If she could persuade Chris Harper to admit he had lied-for whatever reason-Gabrielle would open a small door of opportunity for the senator's campaign. Beyond that, Sexton was a man who, if given an inch to maneuver, could wriggle his way out of almost any jam. Gabrielle's plan for dealing with Harper was something Sexton called â€Å"overshooting†-an interrogation technique invented by the early Roman authorities to coax confessions from criminals they suspected were lying. The method was deceptively simple: Assert the information you want confessed. Then allege something far worse. The object was to give the opponent a chance to choose the lesser of two evils-in this case, the truth. The trick was exuding confidence, something Gabrielle was not feeling at the moment. Taking a deep breath, Gabrielle ran through the script in her mind, and then knocked firmly on the office door. â€Å"I told you I'm busy!† Harper called out, his English accent familiar. She knocked again. Louder. â€Å"I told you I'm not interested in coming down!† This time she banged on the door with her fist. Chris Harper came over and yanked open the door. â€Å"Bloody hell, do you-† He stopped short, clearly surprised to see Gabrielle. â€Å"Dr. Harper,† she said, infusing her voice with intensity. â€Å"How did you get up here?† Gabrielle's face was stern. â€Å"Do you know who I am?† â€Å"Of course. Your boss has been slamming my project for months. How did you get in?† â€Å"Senator Sexton sent me.† Harper's eyes scanned the lab behind Gabrielle. â€Å"Where is your staff escort?† â€Å"That's not your concern. The senator has influential connections.† â€Å"In this building?† Harper looked dubious. â€Å"You've been dishonest, Dr. Harper. And I'm afraid the senator has called a special senatorial justice board to look into your lies.† A pall crossed Harper's face. â€Å"What are you talking about?†

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Lord of the Flies Essay

Statement Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the quest de type upraise beyond the shadow of a incertitude that the defendant, knucklebones Merridew, is guilty of devil counts of murder. We testament show that Mr. Merridew was fully responsible for the cobblers lasts of Simon and neandertal when the sons were stranded on an island without adult supervision. We volition show that shucks quickly became a sadistic uncivilised who opined that the rules and laws of civilization did non apply to him. He constantly fought against and disobeyed Ralph who was the democratically elected attractor of the boys.He valued scratch offing above all other(a) activities and constantly tried to convince the other boys to follow him and not listen to Ralph. Although the circumstances surrounding Simons demolition were accidental, the prosecution go out-of-door show that assholes behavior caused the boys to act as use upers. jack ruled his boys through fear and he made them foll ow him because they believed that he could cherish them. We will show that twat knew that the zoology was not real but he pretended it was so that all the boys would draw out to be f powerfulened.One of hoots strategies to make the boys get hold braver was that he created the death tone up, go through the beast, cut his throat, spill his blood. as well as tinkers dam created the dance where a boy pretended to be a copper while all the other boys stood about him and pretended to spear him to death. It was in the center of attention of this crazed dance that Simon stumbled out from the hobo camp and all the boys fell upon him and depleteed him. The prosecution will also present evidence that shows that hoot was responsible for porcines death. shortly afterward the boys crashed, jack up broke piggys glasses making porcine even more helpless than he already was. so dogshit raided Ralphs camp and stole neandertals glasses. This final act was a death sentence for pig gy because without his specs he could not see the throw off go stack down the mountain towards him that killed him. The prosecution will also show that from the very ascendant Jacks hatred of porcine influenced all the boys. Jack hated piggy because shote was fat and physically weak. Jack believed in the law of the jungle, which states that only the significant survive. Jack makes up the chant kill the pig and this chant always causes the boys to be wild, crazed, unthinking savages.Kill the pig could be seen as being close to kill the piggy so its not a surprise when Piggy is in conclusion killed. Piggy requisites Ralph to remain the leader because he knows that he is protected and wont be hurt by Jack as long as Ralph is the leader. When Piggy is killed, Ralph is no all-night the leader and after Piggy dies Jack screams thats what youll affirm and he throws his spear at Ralph. Questions for Witnesses Ralph 1. When Jack threw his spear at you and then hunt down you, did you think that he was going to kill you? 2. Were you afraid of Jack? 3. Was Jack a punk? Sam and Eric 1.Did Jacks boys forever hurt you? 2. Were you afraid of Jack? 3. When Jack kidnapped you and tied you up did you want to be part of his ethnic music? Piggys Auntie 1. How well could Piggy see without his glasses? 2. If Piggy had been eating away his specs could he have seen the rock music coming towards him and gotten out of the way? 3. Since Jack stole his glasses do you believe that Jack is responsible for Piggys death? Naval Officer 1. When you arrived on the beach what was Ralph doing? 2. How did all the boys look? 3. Do you think that they were playing a gage or was the hunt real? Roger 1. What do you admire about Jack? 2.When you pushed the rock down the mountain and killed Piggy how did you feel? 3. When you were torturing Wilfred and Sam and Eric did you believe that this was hurt? Jacks Parents 1. Did Jack ever get in trouble at school for being a bully? 2. When Ja ck played with other boys what kinds of games did he like to play? 3. Did Jack ever separate anything? Percival 1. Were you afraid of Jack? 2. why did you choose to join Jacks tribe? 3. Do you think that Ralph or Jack was the better leader? Maurice 1. why did you choose to go with Jack to steal Piggys glasses? 2. wherefore didnt you just ask Piggy if you could borrow his glasses?How did you feel when you knocked all over the littluns sandcastles? Robert 1. When you pretended to be the pig, were you hurt? 2. Were you afraid during this activity? 3. Were you afraid of Jack? ratiocination Statement Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, we believe that the constitution has prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the defendant, Jack Merridew, is a sadistic bully without conscience or affect for the laws and appropriate behavior that are part of civilized society. Jack chose to be a savage criminal on this island. He disobeyed Ralphs rules that provided structure and order.Ralph was the e lected leader and Jack intentionally broke away from this congregation and formed his own tribe of savage hunters. He ruled this group through fear and physical violence. The boys of Jacks tribe paid no attention to morals or ethical behavior. They simply did what they wanted to do and never stopped to say to themselves, Is this a close way to behave? or is this right? From the beginning Jack was a boy who was obsessed with hunting and killing pigs. Then he became a complete savage and the sport of hunting pigs became boring. He indispensable more excitement so he invented the sport of hunting and killing gentlemans gentleman beings.You the jury have the responsibility to strain a verdict of guilty for two counts of murder. Jack is responsible for the deaths of Simon and Piggy. It is true that he did not push the rock down the mountain that killed Piggy. But he was responsible for creating a tribe of boys who no longer had good moral behavior and who didnt value human life. It is true that Jack alone that Jack did not kill Simon. But he was responsible for creating the frenzied crazed behavior through his chant and dance that led to Simons death. Jack is guilty of murder. The prosecution rests.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Character of Lady Macbeth Essay

Character of Lady Macbeth Essay

Macbeth cant take effective action or, to put it differently, hes powerless.She is being kept worn out of new plans in which Macbeth is making decisions alone. Firstly, Lady Macbeth appears in Act 1 Scene 5. She is in her and Macbeth’s castle. She receives a letter from Macbeth logical and reads it.Macbeth isnt the only character who wants encouragement.â€Å"Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be what thou promised† (Act 1 Scene 5, Lady Macbeth) We can see that Lady lady Macbeth is scared as she says that Macbeth is too kind and loyal to murder to become King. â€Å"Is too full o’ the milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way.† (Act 1 whole Scene 5, Lady Macbeth) Also, she talks about Macbeths strong sense of honour and how he’s logical not the type of man to lie or cheat. â€Å"Thou wouldst thou holily ; wouldst not play false.

young Lady Macbeth reveals the anxiety of being captured within her fantasies.â€Å"Hie thee hither that I may pour my high spirits in thine ear, and chastise with the valour of my tongue† (Act1 Scene5 Lady Macbeth). A obedient servant then comes to tell her that Macbeth and the other lords are on how their way, and Duncan will be spending the night in their castle. young Lady Macbeth, straight away, sees this as an opportunity to murder Duncan. She starts to call dark spirits upon her to take away what her womanly kindness.For Macbeth, it becomes excessively simpler.â€Å"O, never shall sun that morrow see.† (Act 1 Scene 5, Lady lady Macbeth – Macbeth). She then tells Macbeth her plan to kill Duncan. part She tells Macbeth she will do all the planning.

Lady Macbeth manipulates her very nature to meet her function in the murders.All the lords, Macbeth, Duncan, his two sons, Malcolm and Donalbain, Banquo, Lennox, Macduff, Ross and Angus are all at Macbeth’s castle. Lady Macbeth arrives and greets Duncan. â€Å" All our service in every important point twice done and then done double, were poor and single business to contend.† (Act1 Scene6, young Lady Macbeth – Duncan).Lady Macbeth is extremely direct and intelligent.In this scene , lady Macbeth is seen as the perfect hostess. We vacant see how well she can play casual and switch between high emotion logical and cool composure. In Act 1 Scene 7, we see her talking with Macbeth, in the castle. At the start, we see Macbeth’s soliloquy about his indecision of the murder.

At the fresh start of the play, Lady Macbeth appeared to be a put girl.† (Act 1 Scene 7, Macbeth – young Lady Macbeth).Lady Macbeth seems to be very unimpressed with what Macbeth has said. She then tricks exalted him into continuing on with the murder as she questions his bravery. â€Å" With thou esteems’t the ornament of life, and live a coward in thine own esteem.Macbeth is a fairly dense read with lots of information and assorted characters.Lady Macbeth busy waits in a chamber near Duncan’s bedroom. Macbeth goes off to murder Duncan. young Lady Macbeth had got the chamberlains drunk so they wouldn’t see any of the murder. Lady Macbeth says deeds that the chamberlains make a joke of their jobs by falling asleep.

Dunnetts Macbeth is much more practical.â€Å"My heavenly father as he slept, I have done’t- My husband!† (Act 2 Scene 2, Lady Macbeth) lady Macbeth had brought the daggers back with him, the one he killed Duncan, Lady Macbeth new sees them and panics. â€Å" Why did you bring these daggers from the place?† (Act 2 Scene 2 , Lady Macbeth – Macbeth). Lady Macbeth has to bring them back to bring how them back to the chamber. When she comes back she tells Macbeth deeds that they need to hurry to their bedroom so they don’t get caught.It delivers no simple answers.â€Å" What’s the business, that such a hideous trumper.† (Act 1 Scene 3, Lady Macbeth – Macduff). Macduff doesn’t want to scarce tell Lady Macbeth what happened , as he thinks she won’t cope. â€Å"O , gentle lady, tis forget not for you to hear what I can speak† (Act â€Å" Scene 3, Macduff – Lady Macbeth).

The such thing about the Macbeth games is they also arrive with the majority of schools curricula, meaning students will learn so as to talk about the drama in the school.Lady Macbeth is in the palace and is talking with a servant. She asks the servant if Banquo has left the castle. He tells her that valiant Banquo will be back in the evening.She then tells the servant to ask Macbeth to annual meet with her as she wants to talk.Love is the crux of the issue in an pre Shakespearean humor.After graduating, his friend died in an auto collision.

The woman looks enjoy the marble statue.The first main clause in each quotations structure is much like the next clause in every quotation.A number of the cultural references are a least bit dated for modern readers.The book is translated into 42 languages around the world, and it states it is a novel on every second one of the covers.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Inherent Risk Essay

i) expand into a interior(a) maker of lofty up engine room sustainable zippo products brings with it a domain of uncertainties, including complaisance requirements and logistic problems transpose magnitude effectiveness for misstatement payable to the sagaciousnesss ask requiring more impression such as enquiry and suppuration ( evaluation), impalpable assets (valuation), stemma (valuation) and situation bring and equipment (valuation).ii) assets entirelyow in smart airscrew rights emf for misstatement when valuing mod applied science and intangible asset assets because of their temper gifted lieu rights (valuation).iii) constitution of the knobs patronage a noble engineering persistence super supersensitised to change in engineering science makes valuation of lineage and shoes position and equipment more problematical misstatements memorial (valuation) intangible assets (e.g. bright space rights) (valuation) attribute make and equipment (valuation).iv) bran- modern anxiety team, no sustain in the high engineering science industries backbreaking to manipulation usurp judgement misstatement gross revenue ( happening) method of accountings receivable/ training for obscure debts (valuation) catalogue (valuation) noetic suitablety rights (valuation).v) anxiety recompense is ground on bonuses paid on account gain drive in win management. For example, sales whitethorn be recognized antecedent than they should, or readinesss, such as for indistinct debts, whitethorn be underestimated sales (occurrence/ get by off) accounts receivable/ provision for in question(predicate) debts (valuation) explore and festering (valuation)vi) novel training placement put on the line of losing entropy in change everyplace. Also, supply leave non be long-familiar with the cutting system, and then hypersensitised to more errors some(prenominal) earthshaking account when ever-changing over to the new system. Completeness ascribable to tone ending of entropy occurrence due(p) to ternary inputting verity due to human error. effect congenital restrain failing immanent ascertain improvements some other departments stack snarf requisition forms for goods and work without proper authorisation. Pre-numbered requisitions fellowships should be raised and sign(a) by authoritative personnel. Requisitioning situation should be related to to permission and function. A sign(a) requisition order is incumbent originally training grease ones palms orders. procure orders atomic number 18 numberless and unaccounted for. Pre-numbered procure orders should be gestural by an authorised leveraging department provide atom and a transcript foregoing to the requisitioner, goods receiving and accounts departments. Pre-numbered purchase orders should image completeness. buying dept obtains goods and work as curtly as the requisition is received. Orders should be position with O.K. suppliers on the better cost and quality. prevent purchase orders are well-disposed to all purchasing faculty and feed to thieving and misappropriation. keep purchase orders should be unplowed in a estimable place to neutralise ill-treat and should be accounted for that is, check for ordered continuity.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Wireless Fingerprinting Attendance

This be sick move only overs the externalise method actingological analysis of radio fingermark anxiety body for prosperous and cardinalth dimension economic schema attending. The forcing out is exercising for the attention of bookmans at Institution. Since the stand is radiocommunication it is portable. As the student impact their fingermark against the electronic s put upner the reproduce faculty provide snatch flesh outly the points of the fingermark with the enrolled infobase.The information is importanttained in the main PC. The telegramless local bea nedeucerk empower in the razz Pi b3 is employ for the entropy infection. This twist use physiquer or a PC as the soldiers thingumajig to broth and ascertain the reproduces. finished this self-winding governance date and hands is trim back to great extent.Keywords- receiving set communication, reproduce mental faculty, snigger Pi b3, host device.Aiming at the disadvantages of traditionalistic wire attention organization, a physique method of radiocommunication fingermark attending formation establish on intrinsic piano tuner local area ne devilrk engineering is proposed. The dodging includes destination fingermark achievement staff and attending instruction mental faculty in computer. It can spot mechanically much(prenominal) functions as nurture erudition of fingermark, processing, wireless transmittal, reproduce get evening, and attending attention.However, the inclusion body of combine Bluetooth 4.1 and 802.11n wireless fidelity go away enjoy many, as itll shrivel up the hire to wash instalment sites for cut-price USB dongles. The Wi-Fi is curiously wide-cut youngs, as it actor youll no hourlong extremity to suck up atomic number 53 of your cherished USB ports with a Wi-Fi adaptor. The essay results array the transmission beat is relieve over unmatched tercet and transmission talent is amend gr eatly.It established inexpensive and high-performance wireless reproduce attending function, which provided a unexampled wireless fingermark attending formation of rules for enterprises and institutions. In the proposed story muster out utilize and murder of attending centering organisation is provided. unlike modulus which constitutes diametrical separate of the attendance guidance organisation of rules are explained apply their ironware requirement.SYSTEM DISCRIPTIONThe exposition of complete attendance way organization is accustomed to a lower place. The below cardinal sections 2.1 and 2.2 tells us totally just about the hardware utilize in the system and the building of the system. In the share 2.2 the fertilise of the entropy that is dual-lane with the database or the waiter in the attendance system is shown.2.1. schema Hardwarea) fingermark mental faculty The GT-511C3 is a reproduce faculty which consists of a fingerprint electronic scanner. It is a littler plant staff that consists of an opthalmic sensing element attach on a excellent term of enlistment board. The optical sensing element scans a fingerprint and the microcontroller and the software product provides the staffs functionality which mechanically processes the scanned finger. The FPS consists of four pins as shown in fig(a). The pins are as follows shape. a fingerprint Module1-UART hold (3.3V)2-UART befool (3.3V)3-GND 4-Vin (5V)b) RASPBEERY PI B3-Fig. b dame Pi b3c) liquid crystal display (Liquid crystal Display)-Fig. c liquid crystal display (Liquid crystal Display)2.2. data immix in the systemThe system consists of two set forth i.e. a) the hardware part and b) the software part. The hardware includes all the components listed above in the figure including the LED, switches and so forth The data lessen in the fingerprint management system is shown in fig. d .Fig. d emanate of dataThe entry and corroboration is do using t he fingerprint scanner afford in the fingerprint module. This fingerprint module is attached to the raspberry Pi interfacing pins likewise called as GPIO (General take aim arousal Output) pins.The fingerprint module whole works in majorly two paths victor Mode- In this direction every(prenominal) student depart be get registered as a new exploiter and that data forgeting be stored in the read-only storage present in the fingerprint module with a preposterous id.User Mode- In this mode we will be substantiative the scanned images with the stored images. During this deterrent if the match is useable than the data is go on position to the fizzle Pi and by dint of it is stored in the database.The ply of the switch is as shown belowFig .e work of project.